The White footed mouse represents how if someone saw a mother white footed mouse eating her babies they would think that its wrong and gross because it is not something that our culture is use to and to us it would be considered cannibalism. However, if we saw two dears fighting in a Disney movie they would consider it as heroic and brave. Our culture wouldn't see anything wrong with the two dears butting heads, it would be considered self defense and fighting for their rights, which is encouraged in our culture. This painting represents how our culture thinks that our way is the right and only way to live and doesn't accept other ways of living, although our way of living is not the only way of living. According to the book My Ismael by Daniel Quinn their is no one way or one right way of living.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Artist Statement.
The White footed mouse represents how if someone saw a mother white footed mouse eating her babies they would think that its wrong and gross because it is not something that our culture is use to and to us it would be considered cannibalism. However, if we saw two dears fighting in a Disney movie they would consider it as heroic and brave. Our culture wouldn't see anything wrong with the two dears butting heads, it would be considered self defense and fighting for their rights, which is encouraged in our culture. This painting represents how our culture thinks that our way is the right and only way to live and doesn't accept other ways of living, although our way of living is not the only way of living. According to the book My Ismael by Daniel Quinn their is no one way or one right way of living.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Evelyn Glennie Shos how to listen.
What struck me about this video was that the lady that was teaching us about listening to music and listening was deaf.
What did you notice?
I noticed that she was passionate about teaching us to not only listen with our ears but also to listen with our body.
What did you enjoy?
I enjoyed the part where she asked every to clap and she pointed out that everyone just claped with their two hands and didnt think of useing other parts of their body or jewelery or the ground or anything other then their two hand, i thought this was interesting because i wouldnt have thought of doing any of those things either.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Dialectic journal
Almost nothing, I’d say. “
I Agree with this quote because now that I think about it I don’t really remember what I learned last year. I remember that we learned about the first ten amendments and all of states and where they are on the map, we had to memorize these, for the states we had to memorize where they are on the maps and all of the states and we had to remember the first ten amendments. If you were to ask me now what the first ten amendments are I couldn’t tell you the only ones that I remember is the first one, the second one and the third one.
First Amendment: the right to freedom of speech, religion, press , assembly and petition.
Second Amendment: the right to bare arms
Third Amendment: the right to say no to a soldier.
If someone were to hand me a blank map and tell me to fill in all of the states I could probably only fill in about half of it. Most of the big states like
Thursday, February 11, 2010
“ NO those are my gloves!” Susie Brown screamed and grabbed them from her brother Tyler.
“Sorry, mom told me to use them since you got new ones.” Tyler Brown explained.
“Well they’re mine and I say that you can’t!.”
“Ok, what am I going to use then?”
“I don’t know, get your own.”
“Give them to me, Mom said that I can have them.” Tyler said as he grabbed the blue gloves out of Susie’s hands and ran for him room.
“MOM!” Susie screamed and threw her arms down with her fists clenched.
“Yes Susie, why are you yelling?” their mother Beverly Brown asked.
“Why did you tell Tyler that he could use my gloves? You didn’t even ask me! They’re mine and I don’t want him using them!” Susie protested.
“Susie be reasonable, it’s your brother’s first time in the snow and I just bought you new ones.”
“But mom.”
“No buts, he’s using them, end of story.”
“Are you done packing? Were leaving soon.
“Yes mom.”
“Then bring your stuff out to the car.”
Susie walked to her room with a pout. I can’t believe my mom is making me let my icky little brother use my gloves. He’s going to get them all messed up. Susie dragged her teal bags packed full as can be down the stairs and out to the car for he father George Brown to put in the trunk.
Everyone got their bags packed and in the car and the Brown family got in the car and began their long trip up to Big Bear. Thirty minutes later and then Susie began complaining.
“Tyler! Move over! You’re on my seat!” Susie yelled at Tyler
“Im not on your seat. This is my seat!” he replied.
“Well you’re too close to me! Move over”
“Im not on your seat.”
“Mom tell him to move over.”
“Susie, there is a lacuna between your seats, now calm down.” Beverly explained.
Susie looked at him filled with frustration and growled, and then she grabbed her Ipod, turned towards the window and ignored him. Twenty minutes pass with out Susie getting mad and yelling at Tyler for touching something of hers but it was not long before Tyler finds something for Susies to play with.
“Tyler stop touching my things! If you wanted a Nintendo DSI then maybe you should have asked for one for Christmas.” Susie complained.
“Can you share?” Tyler begged.
“No, its mine and I don’t want you touching my things. I’ve told you before not to touch anything of mine.”
“Well let me just finish this game”
“Please? I almost beat the level that you couldn’t beat.”
“No I don’t care, I want to beat it by myself, now give it to me!” she screamed.
Susie tried to snatch it from Tyler’s hand but Tyler didn’t let go. They began to have a tug of war over the pink, plastic Nintendo DSI. They screamed “Let it go” and “Give it to me!” at each other back and forth for a few minutes. Then Tyler yelled ”Fine take your stupid game!” and let go of the hand held game system, as Tyler let go of her DSI so did Susie and the hand held game system went flying and hit their father in the back of the head, causing him to loose control of the car. The car swerved and smashed into a tree. The whole front end of the car compacted into the tree. George and Beverly were trapped in their seats with no way out without help.
“AHHH” Susie screamed with tears streaming down her face. “What have I done? Im sorry”
Susie looked over to see her brother face up against the front passenger seat headrest. She grabbed him “ Tyler are you okay?” he was unresponsive, his head fell against his chest. He was in a torpor. Susie reached for her phone and dialed 911. Ten minutes passed before the cops and paramedics arrived but it had felt like hours to Susie.
When the paramedics got to the scene of the accident they got Susie’s parents out of the car, and they found George and Beverly dead. George and Beverly suffered form blood loss, head trauma, broken necks, and more. Tyler was immediately rushed to the hospital. Susie told the cops what had happened with gesticulations and then the cop gave her a lecture then took her to the hospital to get a cast for her left arm and her right leg. After Susie got her casts the doctor told her that her younger brother wasn’t going to make it. Susie started balling and praying for some sort of panacea for her brother.
Susie went into her brothers hospital room and hugged him and was continuously apologizing “ Im sorry, you can have my DSI, please don’t die, Im sorry” she cried. Susie chided herself with the thought of what she had done to her family.
Later on that evening the doctor called Susie and told her that her brother had passed and she was so upset about what she had caused to happen to her family that she went to the kitchen and stabbed her self to death.