Wednesday, September 2, 2009

30 things you dont know know about me.

  1. I laugh loud and at everything.
  2. I say hi to random people.
  3. I tend to talk in a high pitched voice
  4. I talk to much!
  5. I have a plastic fish named Albert and a plastic horse named robertoe.
  6. I love to listen to Christofer Drew and Owl City
  7. I like hugs
  8. I hate my hair!
  9. I like personal nick names.
  10. I like Pho.
  11. I don't tell people my birthday.
  12. I cant keep a straight face i always smile.
  13. I like to touch people's hair that is curly.
  14. I went to sdccs.
  15. I have a fear of elevators.
  16. I draw like a kinder gardener
  17. My eyes change colors
  18. I like to Surf.
  19. I have two sisters that are 20 years older then me
  20. My nieces are older then me
  21. I have a kitty cat named BAMF and/or Bookey
  22. I crack my kknuckles.
  23. I like to swim alone.
  24. I like meeting new people
  25. I don't like to use Internet explorer
  26. I dont like reading, writing or public speaking.
  27. I hate a turtle named BIG
  28. I can be clueless at times
  29. Bugs scare me and i WILL scream.
  30. I cannot use my left arm.


  1. I also love Pho!! My favorite place to get it is Saigon in City Heights. I can tell from your post that you are a very social person and probably meets a lot of people if you say hi to them so much and so randomly. Ha ha.
    See you in class,

  2. lol brittany
    way to spell everything wrong
    and being totally clueless to the fact that you put "i canTTT be clueless at times"
    instead of can
    way to go brittany...
    i love you lots <33

  3. Hey Bitt-to-the-Knee.
    You're absolutely cool, and you certainly do laugh at everything!

  4. Why don't you tell people your birthday? Birthdays are so fun!
